Friday, January 14, 2011

18 New Testament Misconceptions No. 4

#4 Justified by Torah

This term is largely a synonym for “under the Torah” in that it looks to Torah ritual alone for forgiveness of sins. Further, the same rules just discussed for “under the Torah” apply here also. The reason for the slight repetition, however, is two-fold. First, “justified by the law” is a common buzzword in conventional Christianity, and therefore should be dealt with separately lest anyone think that idea is correct under the title. And Secondly, because it gives another chance to dispel the myth that the Torah preaches salvation through works:
“In YHWH all the generations of Israel will be justified, and in Him they will boast” (Isaiah 45:25)

This could not be clearer. It is obedience to Elohim’s laws, precisely coming from the knowledge that they came from Him, which causes justification. Here is yet another witness to this same idea:

“Cursed is anyone who does not affirm the terms of this Torah by obeying them. ‘And all the people will reply, “Amein”’ (Deut 27:26)

Let’s look at a parallel passage in Galatians on this same idea with the next pair of terms.

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